Belmont Celebrates Seniors at Graduation

The Belmont Academy, 2018-2019 graduation ceremony, held on Friday, May 17, ushered in 14 young men and women, honored their accomplishments, and saluted their departure as accomplished scholars.

The 2018-2019, Belmont Academy graduates included Miranda Beamsley, Jacob Boone, Brien Boudreau, Madyson Davis, Nathaniel Faulstich, Angeline Gallardo, Taylor Hamm, Justin Klanderus, Shalee Lofstrom, Ashton Lynn, Brooke Martin, Trevor Mathisen, Ryan Phinney, and Joshua Whitlock.

The ceremony opened with a welcome from Belmont administration and was followed by the pledge of allegiance, lead by Owen Boone. Mr. Barker then gave an inspiring message to the class of 2019, followed by a dual enrollment recognition by Brian Lloyd and a scholarship recognition by Bryan Zecher.

Following the introductory proceedings, Madyson Davis took the podium to give an inspiring valedictorian speech, recognizing those who help her reach her goals.

“We made is guys. We graduated high school.  I would like to thank my family and friends,” said Davis.

She also thanked her teachers for their guidance and support.

“Teachers are our coaches. They are people who help us see the world,” Davis said.

She continued by discussing the mindset that it takes to reach your goals.

“No matter what we face, we can choose to overcome. Attitude means everything,” said Davis.  

Justin Klanderud then captivated the room with a humorous salutatorian speech that brought joy and laughter as he unfolded memories of the year and lessons learned.

“Today, a baker’s dozen graduate. We are proud and free. Freedom is precious, don’t waste it. Don’t procrastinate,” said Klanderud.

The ceremony ended with a presentation of graduates by Belmont administration, a benediction by Brooke Martin and the confirmation of Diplomas by Principal Ron Barker.

Belmont Academy congratulates this year’s graduating class and wishes them the best of luck as they write the next chapter of their lives.