Week of: 9/10/18 - 9/14/18
Four Belmont Academy students received a recognition award for earning a perfect score on last year’s statewide assessment during the Columbia County School Board meeting on Tuesday, September 11.
There were 47 total perfect score awards recipients from our county and all were recognized during Tuesday night’s meeting. This is a great accomplishment when realizing that there are approximately 10,000 students in the Columbia County School System.
Justin Lang, the Assessment and Accountability Coordinator for Columbia County School District, made a few opening remarks and introduced the award recipients.
Lang said, “Tonight we have the distinct honor of recognizing the awesome achievement of some of our most capable and hardworking students in the Columbia County school district. Each student being recognized tonight achieved a perfect score on one of the statewide assessments given last spring. As you know, none of these tests are easy and a perfect score on any one of them is a special achievement. A perfect score means just that. Each of the students recognized tonight got every single test item correct. Their performance was perfect and their overall score was the highest anyone could get for any given test.”
The four Belmont Academy Charter School students to be recognized included current fifth graders Gabrielle Garcia and Emma Pitman as well as sixth grade students Ella Handy and Neelkanth Patel. All of these award recipients earned their perfect score in FSA math.
Neelkanth, who goes by Neel, said “hard work and dedication,” was how he earned the perfect score. He also commented, saying his parents “were very happy.”
Mr. Ron Barker, Principal of Belmont Academy, helped present the awards to his students Tuesday night and later commented on the accomplishment.
Barker proudly stated, “That is a lot of people for a school this size.”
Approximately 500 students attend Belmont Academy Charter School and over 80 students achieved a five on the FSA. Some of those students achieved more than one level five due to a high score in multiple subject areas. In total, those high scoring students brought in 115 level fives on the FSA for Belmont Academy.
The administration, teachers and staff of Belmont Academy are very proud of these students and are excited about the accomplishments this year will bring.
In other news, there was a Papa John’s Fundraiser this week. Proceeds went to the Belmont Academy Archery Team. The event was a big success. Details on this event will be featured in next week’s online article of the BWN.