Four Perfect Score Students Recognized at Belmont Board Meeting


Students who earned a perfect score on the FSA , were recognized, along with their parents, at the Belmont Academy school board meeting on Monday, October 29, 2018.

The four Belmont Academy Charter School scholars included current fifth graders Gabrielle Garcia and Emma Pitman, along with sixth grade students Ella Handy and Neelkanth Patel. These hard working honor students earned their perfect scores in FSA math.

Principal Ron Barker is proud of the accomplishments of these young learners and expressed his appreciation to the parents.

"I am so proud of the hard work these students exhibit.  It certainly is no small feat to earn a perfect score on a FSA.  Hats off to the parents, as well.  Their support makes such a difference in their children's lives.  Great job to the students and parents," said Barker.

Belmont Academy students were four of the 47 total perfect scores from Columbia County. This is outstanding when realizing that there are approximately 10,000 students in the Columbia County School System.   

Neelkanth, who goes by Neel, said “hard work and dedication,” was how he earned the perfect score. He also commented, saying his parents “were very happy.”

Approximately 500 students attend Belmont Academy Charter School and over 80 achieved a five on the FSA. Some of those students achieved more than one level five due to a high score in multiple subject areas.  In total, those high scoring students brought in 115 level fives on the FSA for Belmont Academy.    

The administration, teachers and staff of Belmont Academy are proud of these students and are excited about the accomplishments this year will bring.