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7:50 Why Belmont? Featured Uploaded May 18, 2018 to Admissions
1:08 Heating and cooling Particles
A demonstration using liquid nitrogen to cool particles. Observe what happens when the balloon is cooled and then removed to allow the particles to heat up. This illustrates that particles move slower when cooled and faster when heated.
Uploaded Jun 29, 2018 -
2:55 FSA Pep Rally Video 2016 Featured Uploaded May 18, 2018 to Admissions
00:23 Attentiveness
First grade recites a poem about being attentive.
Uploaded Sep 01, 2018 by Christina Cully -
3:50 Ground Breaking Drone Footage 10/9/2020 Featured Uploaded Oct 12, 2020
00:06 Hoop glider test
First grade testing their hoop gliders as a way to apply the scientific method
Uploaded Sep 01, 2018 by Christina Cully -
00:18 Robotics 10/27//2017 Featured Uploaded Jun 29, 2018 by Ronald Barker
19:04 Mr. Barker Discussing Reopening Featured
Important Information on Reopening Policies and Procedures.
Uploaded Aug 16, 2020 -
5:26 Belmont Construction Featured
By the time this slideshow was created, there was already incredible progress towards the completion of the Belmont Academy building. There had been hundreds of individuals contributing thousands of hours.
Uploaded Jun 29, 2018
Thanks to everybody who has been able to volunteer their valuable time on this project. Here is a slideshow to watch the progress and participation. It’s amazing to see what happens when people pull together for a common goal. -
1:10 Just Look at Me Now Uploaded Jun 29, 2018 by Ronald Barker